General Rules
The following are the Howell Point Rules, Covenants, and Restrictions as filed at the Cass County Courthouse, and as amended on June 28, 1987. Please take the time to read and familiarize yourself and your family with these long-standing, well thought-out rules and general expectations of all Howell Point members.
Access is Authorized Only as Follows:
- Access to the park and use of all improvements is granted to all paid members of the Howell Point Association and their house guests. Guests must be accompanied by their sponsor or otherwise vouched for by a signed and dated letter of introduction or similar document. All others will be asked to leave.
- All other Howell Point property owners have right of access to the park, however they are not entitled to use any of the improvements: piers, benches, sand box, parking area, raft, boat ramp, etc. These are paid for with Association dues.
Health and Safety Considerations are Paramount:
- Swimming safety must not be compromised by boating operations.
- Boating operations and safety must not be hindered by swimmers.
- Fisherman must use due care when casting, etc.
- Sports activities must be conducted with safety first in mind.
- No dogs are allowed in the park.
- All food residues, fish baits, and other items which will draw insects and other vermin must be disposed of properly.
Prohibited Activities Include, But Are Not Limited To:
- Use of the park after 11:00 p.m., unless the Board has been notified of and approves a reason to be open later.
- Illegal use or abuse of alcohol or drugs.
- Operating or parking of motorized vehicles on grass.
- Beaching boats, shore stations, etc., on the shore.
- No overnight parking in the parking lot.
- No parking of boat/jet ski trailers in the parking lot.
- Littering.
- Excessive noise and rowdy behavior. Foul language is not acceptable. Persons using same shall be reprimanded and, if continued, asked to leave.
- Discharging firearms, pellet guns, B.B. guns, bows and arrows, etc.
- Trespassing on, or unauthorized use of, privately owned boats and rented mooring spaces.
- Willful destruction or theft of park or private property. Anyone who violates rules, vandalizes park property, or boats shall after second offense be denied us of park improvements. In the case of minor children, the parents are responsible.
General Expectations By and From All Members:
- Common courtesy and good order must prevail.
- Proper use of improvements and equipment according to purpose of same.
- Adherence to the basic rules.
- Assistance in enforcement of these rules.
- Assumption of total responsibility for your actions as well as those of your children and/or your guests.
- When planning a large gathering or function:
- Select a weekday or evening.
- Program your get-together at times other than peak utilization times by the general membership.
- To avoid conflict, get the Board’s approval prior to your event.
Boat Protocol:
- Boat owners shall constitute the Pier Committee. A Chairman will be chosen from these boat owners. The Chairman, or alternate, shall attend and report the Board meetings when requested to do so.
- Membership dues and slip fees must be paid to the Secretary/Treasurer prior to April 1st to be included in slip assignment. Boat and slip space will be assigned by the pier Chairman.
- Pier space will only be assigned to property owners or residents of Howell Point.
For Further Guidance:
- Consult with the Board of Directors and/or refer to background materials on file with the Secretary of the Howell Point Association. The Officers and Board Members of the Association welcome your constructive criticism, positive suggestions, and able assistance.
Use the park often, safely, and enjoyably.
Howell Point Association, Inc. Officers and Board
Use the park often, safely, and enjoyably.